Insanity is the storm which assaults the cabin that is my consciousness. I leave my window open, but I'm aware that that the wind will never be strong enough to tear down the walls

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Everyone is Ramesses

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

The second law of thermodynamics is pervasive, and THAT is despairing.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


A pear tree,
A swarm of bees,
Under the burning sun;
Desert heats
Where vultures feast.
But blades of grass
will not be encroached;
The root grows deep
To keep the spark alive.
Soft scent mesmerises,
Puts to sleep: sweet dreams.
The sand is strong,
Slick, and cunning, still
No beam goes through, for the vines are you:
Forever on and so
We sew the line anew

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Shark Attack

EDIT: I hate to make one click. Honestly.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nobdi gives a shit


-Who's there?
-Who is it?
-It's Nobdi
-If's no one's there, who's talking?
-Stop this crap! How can you not be somebody?
-I am somebody! I am Nobdi!
-Oh gawd he gets metaphysical and shit
-Will you let me in?
-I'll let nobody in!
-So open the door!
-If there's nobody there, why should I?
-So Nobdi can come in!
-Go to hell
-But...what did Nobdi do?


Friday, August 22, 2008

And again...

Discussing Usain Bolt's eligibility for the NFL, he cracks another Jamaica joke:

"Then again, we don’t know when Bolt graduated from high school, or if he even attended. Indeed, the term “high” school in Jamaica might have an entirely different meaning."

What the hell? I guess there's a reason these people are writing sports columns and not Conan O'Brien's jokes (I should hope they're better than this...)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh, they think they're so funny

Mike Florio, on a piece for

"We just saw Jamaica’s Usain Bolt set the world record in the 200-meter dash. And the first thing that came to mind was this."

How fast would he be if he hadn’t spent much of his life breathing second-hand marijuana smoke?

Hardy. Har. Har. Let's poke the drug taboo.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Power of Natasha

From Grant Wahl's article about the Brazilian loss today:

"Surely the Brazilian fans will be in full force. Caipirinhas! Samba! Scantily-clad soccer-loving beauties!"

We all know about the two clichés, but wow, caipirinhas first?

(yes, this was mostly to mess with formatting)

EDIT: Ohmigod what an awful pun at the end: "It's fun to stir the pot, even when it's a pot of Brazilian feijoada."

This man knows how to live, damn

Monday, August 18, 2008


It's an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, materialism is harmful to people in that it creates a false sense of inadequacy to those who don't have enough shit (and no one does). On the other hand, world economy is booming (relatively at least) in part because people are buying so much shit. Where do you draw the line?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I was looking for a picture of a homeless man next to a car, meaning to make social commentary. This, however, is better:

Monday, August 11, 2008

In hindsight...

When you're young, you're as light as air; when you're old, you feel heavy. It's as if the burden of years piles up on your back

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's All Wonderful Nights

I really don't know what's cause and what's consequence. I don't know if I am who I hang out with or I'm just really lucky to know the right people. No doubt a little bit of both.

They say change is good. Guess it is. I imagine it's a bit like balding. You don't wanna lose the hair, but taking pills is only gonna delay the inevitable (at best), so you just go with the flow. You might hate it all the time, but you also hate scumbags and dimwits, and it's even harder to stop those.

Which brings me to my point, that I'm so alike certain people it makes me feel normal, up to a certain point. I mean, Mario, for one, with whom I agree on just about nothing, but we survive in a pacific manner for three weeks. Natasha watches movies with me no one else would even feign interest about. Stefano, well, sometimes it's just freaky. Teo, guess he proves that mixed-race friendships aren't so stereotypical in the end (LAF).

And you all left. Well, some not really, but sometimes it just feels like it. And I'm sure you do it because you know it's right, but that doesn't mean I don't get to hate it.

I hope I haven't offended anyone not mentioned. You're what makes sanity worthwhile.

Well, sometimes you do go insane, because otherwise that would be like eating chili without pepper.

My god I hope chicks dig corny guys.

(On an unrelated note, it's amazing how Jesus said so many smart things (not only, but no one's perfect), yet ended up indirectly causing tons of deaths, torture, book burnings (gah), wars, greed, etc...Goes to show how mankind can take a bunch of cool ideas, make it into religion, and send the whole thing on a downward spiral. Ungrateful biatches)

Monday, January 21, 2008


"Maybe it's just true. It's her cousin. People have cousins. I mean, I have a female cousin. [pause] Maybe he's gay and she's afraid it'll make me feel insecure. Well that's not very encouraging, her attitude towards me. I guess there isn't even anyone. She just needs some time to clear her mind and her pores. Chicks dig that. Pores, definitely the pores. Women can't stand that, right? Oh, she probably put it in her head that I don't like her spending time with her girl friends. Which I don't, but I don't let her know...skanks. She's insecure, poor thing. She wants to handle her world on her own a bit. She's not a fornicator, we have moderate sex. Moderate sex."
"Hi, honey, what's that you just
"I don't believe you. [pause] Get out."